Are you financially prepared for the future?

Specializing in retirement planning, group benefits, and asset liquidation.

Learn More About Our Services

Are You on the Path to
Financial Peace and Wellness?

For most professionals, life is busier than ever. It’s hard to balance all of the demands on your time and easy to put things like your financial health of the backburner. On top of that, the volume of financial advice out there is overwhelming, and knowing who and what to listen to can be stressful and challenging to say the least. Here at Jooha Financial, we work with successful medical and business professionals like you every day, empowering them with the right information they need to protect and manage what they’ve worked so hard for.

Our experienced team will help you look after your finances to make sure you’re making the right decisions, capitalizing on the best opportunities, and setting yourself up to achieve your current and future goals. We’ll start by learning what a life well-lived means to you, discovering where you are right now and where you’re trying to go, and laying out the options you have available to get there. Once you have a solid plan in place, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that we’ll be monitoring things as time goes on to make sure you stay on the right path through all the twists and turns of life.

No matter how limited your time is, financial peace and wellness is a destination worth pursuing, and it would be our honor to guide you on the journey there.

Our People

We place trust and long-term relationships above all else. Fulfilling our promises is our core responsibility.

Our Resources

Ryan has aligned himself with New York Life, Ash Brokerage, and The Nautilus Group®, three of the top financial institutions in the nation.

Our Expertise

We have extensive experience in all facets of wealth maximization and
asset protection.